A dollar-store notebook looks much improved with a recycled-vinyl jacket. The edges have been whipstitched with 2 mm lacing. Since the lacing was white on the underside I had to take care not to get it twisted while sewing. The length of the lacing is limited by the cutting surface on the Cricut Expressions, so periodically throughout the project I had to bury the old lacing within the seam and start a new length. I had a couple of lengths at the very end of the project that were not long enough to bury under the seam, so I glued them down with LePage flexible plastic adhesive. This project is sized to fit a 400-page coil notebook , 4X5.5 in or 10.2 X13.9 cm. The svg files for the whipstitch holes is here. The outline cuts file for the project pieces is here. (Note on the svg files; I put a square inch sizing reference to line up to the background grid area in Sure Cuts a Lot. The svg files are also available on Craftedge.)
I like how it turned out, the vinyl feels good on the hand, and the whipstitch looks western, like a summer-camp craft project.
Update: I've attached a decoration idea which could be created in adhesive-backed vinyl The font shown is Rustler.
What a great idea! I will have to give this a try. Thanks for sharing your creation.